We continue in Assembly…

Dear Sisters,

Our journey continues, we have had some very rich days of formation, work, prayer, discernment and reflection.

Manuel Perez Tendero, dedicated to the “Centrality of Jesus Christ in order to live FRATERNITY”, who gave us keys starting from the book of Genesis, pointing out, among other things, that we are not wanderers but pilgrims and that supposes a long work of struggle, time, trials overcome… and there was a rich sharing of experiences.

On the morning of the 21st, Sister Ianire Angulo, animated us with the theme “Authority-Obedience” in a very participative way that helped us to have a deep and concrete dialogue.

In the afternoons we continued the work of the Assembly.

On Sunday we were able to share the mass in the Parish of the town, dedicated to “Santa Maria del Castillo” with the sisters of the community, novices and the whole Christian community. The children of the catechesis animated the Eucharist, praying for Christian unity.

Then we took a walk through this wonderful place of beautiful snowy landscapes and temperatures that reached up to two degrees below zero.

On January 23 we ended the day with a sharing of vocational experiences with the novices.

Once again we entrust ourselves to your prayers, may the Virgin Mary guide us.