Triduum of preparation for General Chapter XXIII

Today, October 5, 2018, the General Chapter of the RMI began in Rome. Sisters from all over the world, after 6 years return to our Chapter Hall to evaluate, evaluate and thank the work done and project the next 6 years from our “Being RMI today in a Changing World”, accompanied by Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, Claretian Missionary.

Day 1 was a day of “listening and conversation”. With the text of Lk. 24, 13 – 35, we have been sharing what we have been talking about along the way. Our sharing has been in groups, we call these groups communities, which is the style of our ordinary life, where we share our daily life: joys, worries, projects, etc.

We ended the day with the Eucharist, thanking God for so much good received and asking to be available to listen to the Spirit.