With affection, joy and hope we welcomed the proposal of the Delegation of Ongoing Formation of the General Curia to “twin” the Communities from the experience of St. Vicenta Maria Lopez y Vicuña, as a valid means to stimulate the Sisters to perfection and fidelity to the Congregation and thus to know and feel more closely the life of our sisters in the World.
Today, we come to the great family of Vicenta Maria, three Communities together!!!, Quito (Ecuador), Malaga (Spain) and Montevideo (R.O. of Uruguay), to greet and share with you those little steps that we have been taking in our Triple Alliance, which beyond the geographical distance, schedules, and occupations, has been strengthening.
They have been moments of celebrating our being universal Church, our gift of being part of the same Congregation, our gift of being RMI sisters and apostles: with different richness, nationalities, ages, time of religious life and services, we have been able to rediscover the joy of seeing and hearing each other, of knowing our faces, of “reuniting acquaintances”… to see how we continue to live the beauty of our following Jesus as RMI in the midst of this Pandemic. We have enjoyed together the life of our houses and their young people and adolescents, and we have felt the support among all of them in the face of the difficulties that each house experiences.
The fresh and spontaneous dialogue, videos, photos, songs, anecdotes, laughter and jokes, without missing, of course, some spaces of prayer together with the Lord who summons us, Mary and Vicenta Maria, have been the bonds that unite us. Everything is GIFT, everything is grace, and these experiences strengthen us in that. We feel encouraged and committed to continue walking in these meetings, we are filled with great gratitude for being able to get to know each other in a new way and it strengthens us to know that we are praying for each other.
We want to send you all a fraternal embrace, affection and a heartfelt prayer from this nascent, but already beautifully rooted “tri-community”:
Sisters and Prenovices of Montevideo, Quito and Malaga.