The General Chapter invokes the Holy Spirit

Today, October 19… has been a day marked by silence, reflection… prayer.

Fr. Fernando Mendoza, SJ, guided the retreat. We begin with the text of 1Sam, 3, 1 – 10, the narration has led us to contemplate the sacred place where the ark of the covenant was and the lamp of God burned, symbols of God’s presence. The call to the child occurs in a holy place, it is Eli who helps the child discern to recognize the voice of God.

The Lord shows himself to us in silence and in “sacred space”. The presence of the Lord is quiet, humble and warm… like a lighted lamp.

We need “the sacred space”… we have to look for it, be attentive and listen to God’s voice… without haste, wait and be available…

It is important to consider three aspects that Pope Francis proposes to Religious Life:

  1. Go to the essentials
  2. Renew
  3. Get involved

Our retreat will conclude tomorrow after the election.

At 10:00 hrs, we have the Eucharist invoking the Holy Spirit, where the sisters of the Curia community will participate.

We continue to commend ourselves to your prayers….