Review Sr. Ma. del Prado García Turrillo
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord….. .my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…”.
I think this is the best account of the life of our dear sister Ma. del Prado, a native of Ciudad Real, who on the 13th went to the Father’s House at the age of 63 years and 39 years of religious life.
She has been assigned to the houses of Seville, Melilla, Almeria, Granada, Cadiz, Ciudad Real, Toledo, Almeria, again, Malaga, Burgos, Logrono (infirmary) where she has done her best.
They say that this hour is the hour of praise… but, I want to express, what she would say as a summary of life:
Who: “proclaims the greatness of the Lord… and rejoices because He is the only one who is truly good”, as Jesus said to the young man in the Gospel… and who REJOICES HIS SPIRIT IN GOD, who has always saved her…” and made her happy… We will all remember her with great vitality and a constant smile, sometimes with contagious laughter… A sign of her joy.
And we could say, those of us who knew her, many good things about her… about her attitude of service in the Congregation, her love for Vicenta Ma. and the young girls… and her many gestures of light – as a reflection of that God Light, which was manifested in her….
But we are not going to list things and things…. God our Father, who sees the secret, knows her truly and loves her like no one else, is the one who will judge her and will be able to say to her: “Come blessed…because you were faithful…”. And if at some point, like all of us, she had failures, fears, indecisions… His Father-Mother Heart, of infinite mercy, has forgiven… and received her in His arms.
An anecdote that I will never forget: The first days I was here in Logroño, I was sleeping badly… and I told him to pray… or count sheep… and he answered me: Someone told me that instead of counting sheep… I should put myself in the arms of the Shepherd…”. And so I did… and we talked at many moments, smiling, about Este Pastor…
This Community of Logroño, we have had the gift of sharing her last two months of this hard stage of illness… and we have witnessed her good humor…. of his fortitude when he knew that “there was no more we could do against cancer…” and the serenity in the final delivery.
She has been very well cared for and attended by the doctors and medical team, and in our house she has been very well loved and welcomed by all the Sisters, nurses and assistants of the company that helps us in the infirmary. We know, because she said it whenever she could, that she was happy.
At her funeral and burial, we were accompanied by Sr. Marta, our Provincial, who gave her a beautiful thanksgiving, and sisters who came from the communities of Burgos, her last home before the infirmary, Vitoria and Zaragoza.
During this time we have felt the affection, interest and prayers of many sisters of the Province.
Dear Prado, We will never forget you and we are sure that from ABOVE you will continue to accompany and intercede for us.
On behalf of the Community, your sister Ma. Victoria Moya