Prayer unites and strengthens us as Sisters

Dear M. Daria, and in your person to each one of the Sisters of the Congregation, especially those who suffer more directly the consequences of Covid-19: We are very grateful for this happy initiative, which allows us to approach the hearts of so many Sisters through this space… As a family, gathered in the name of the Lord, we unite in prayer in these moments of so much pain… Like all of us, we are here living these days of quarantine in silence and prayer, following the news that is coming to us through the Telesjournals, always with the hope that this painful situation will improve. Mother, when we read your words, full of feelings, tears have fallen down our eyes… How much pain! It has deeply touched the heart of every Sister of the Community…. THANK YOU!!! The only thing we can do from here is to pray… to pray a lot…. Always pray… We will continue to be united by PRAYER and by the affection of Sisters… A big hug to you and to each of the Sisters. H. Valdeci Nogueira and Community – Brasilia-DF