One more LA SIRVIENTA WEEK in Mexico

Testimonial about the film “The Maid”.

Almost 20 years ago I got close to an admirable congregation, first for work reasons, secondly for personal research and thirdly because of a great friendship that lasts until today.

This congregation gave me a close look at religious life and the great work they do with young women who are in a vulnerable situation.

They have trusted in my work and with respect and affection I have given the best of myself.

Yesterday I went to see the movie “The Maid”, a biography of St. Vicenta Maria, foundress of the Religious of Mary Immaculate. And it gladdened my heart to understand how many sisters use their faith in favor of the part of society with fewer privileges and opportunities.

With this film I underline my admiration for the work of all the women religious who have put their charism to work for the good of young women.

Thank you for allowing me to get close to the human side of you.

Yolanda Hernández Escárcega (psychotherapist)

Mexico, September 28, 2023