From our mission house in Tlacotepec de Diaz, Puebla – Mexico, where we have lived moments of uncertainty due to the situation of the covid that has left our residence and educational center empty, which stopped our missionary work for several months, but at the same time showed us that the LIGHT will always overcome the darkness.
It is these LIGHTS that we wish to share with you.
New pastor:
our parish community was slowly dying out and with the measures implemented by covid, the hearts of the parishioners were growing cold. But God has the last word and so a new pastor arrived, who immediately showed the LIGHT of JESUS and began to light new fires, to bring back to the light those who were falling into darkness. There is no doubt that the Lord always heeds the cry of his people. -
Reaching out to the most needy:
the lack of presence in the communities farthest from the mission, was the way for the sects to come to confuse the simple people. Our hearts were asking us to go out, to go to them, to the remote communities, no matter the sacrifice. So we started a special mission on the weekends and invited lay people, our teachers, our young people and to our surprise, they responded to the Lord’s call. Every week they meet to prepare the visits to the communities and on weekends they set out to walk for some of them and climb the big hills to reach the communities. The parishioners feel accompanied, taken into account; once again their lights begin to shine . -
Volunteers from the heart – weaving firm nets:
we had the joy of having the presence of two young people from a foundation, who spent two weeks at the mission house sharing a workshop with the teachers and going to the communities to visit our young women. This experience was a LIGHT for our educational center, the teachers felt motivated, grateful and above all they committed themselves with more responsibility with the house. From this experience we created a weekly formation group where we have shared with them the most beautiful thing we have, the experience of encountering JESUS through prayer, through our Ignatian spirituality, has been a palpable KAIROS for our missionary community . -
“Educate by Evangelizing“:
with this phrase that identifies this new journey with the educational center, our teachers have not stayed in the comfort of their homes to work, but have created small little schools to attend in a personalized way to the children, having two schedules per day and thus attend to everyone. So our educational center has spread throughout Tlacotepec, giving testimony of the commitment and love for our children.