The Religious of Mary Immaculate arrived in Washington DC 25 years ago (1996) and today we are giving thanks to God for those past years of love and service to our young women and everyone that has crossed our path these years.
Cardinal Wilton Gregory presided the Eucharist with our neighboring priest Redemptorist Fathers ( Fr Jerry Knapp and Fr Jim Wallace) concelebrating with Fr Francis Russo, Capuchin Order our confessor.
Our Sisters from NY and Mexico helped with the choir aside from the Sisters of the community and our residents who beautifully sung. The theme of the readings chosen was the parable of the small seed sown that has grown into a big tree where birds of the air come and lodge in its branches. A very small beginning was sown by our Sisters 25 years ago and now that small seed has germinated through the lives of the different Sisters who live here offering their lives and love for our young women.
The Eucharist was followed by a sumptuous dinner and presentations from our own residents- ballet dance, singing, videos from ex-residents and more. Everyone was thankful and happy sharing with us the praise and gratitude for God’s work in this community of Sisters and girls. Congratulations Sisters and everyone who has been a part of Centro Maria’s journey during these 25 years!