Rome, February 19, 2023
In Him all our hope…
To all the Sisters of the Congregation
Dearest Sisters:
Today is a special day in the process of our congregational family, as we commemorate the 73rd anniversary of Pope Pius XII’s confirmation of St. Vicenta Maria’s path to sainthood by proclaiming her Blessed, just 25 years before Pope Paul VI proclaimed her a Saint!
It is a good reason to share with you the accumulation of feelings and occupations that filled the week that ended. We started by taking care of the way to reach all the collaborators, young people and other personalities, who could appreciate our film: “La SIRVIENTA”. Despite the fact that many people were traveling, the Farnese cinema, a popular movie theater in the center of Rome and one of the oldest, was full.
On the 14th, the eve of the date set for the presentation, we welcomed part of the team, represented by Pablo Moreno, director and author of the script; Cristina González, main actress who plays Vicenta María and other members of the team, who are thrilled with the work they have done.
On the 15th, very early in the morning, we went to the Vatican to participate in the Pope’s audience in the Paul VI Hall, where Cristina was chosen to give him the first copy of the film. The images, which you can see in our networks, are expressive, but the emotion that he transmitted to us when we gave him the first hug after that moment, is indescribable… I share with you that I experienced, once again, how a small gesture of good can “touch” a person so much. She vibrates and made us vibrate with what she had lived… Vicenta Maria and the RMI, are something that have or have entered, in her life…
The day was very full. At 12:30 p.m. we had the Eucharist at home where Sr. Clarissa dos Santos, third. And shortly after lunch, departure, in different groups, to welcome the participants to the representation of the film.
In a familiar and warm atmosphere, we met in the “Piazza Campo di Fiori”, in the heart of Rome… Interviews of various press chains, greetings… The sisters from the communities of Bari and Milan arrived, with Antonio Macri, president of MOLAVIM and Maria, his wife. A little after 5:00 p.m., all of us expectant, we began to enter into the spectacle of a life… which put us ourselves in the plot… We also felt like protagonists of a mystery that envelops us and launches us forward, over difficulties and all kinds of situations, as the actress herself, Cristina, confesses: “the play has made me stronger…”.
One of the young sisters said on the way out: “It has confirmed us in our vocation…”. I say to myself and to you: “the story is not over…”, as Leia (the young woman, a domestic employee, accused without motive for concealing the crimes of the children she was taking care of…) affirms in the movie. It is the great challenge she throws at us: the Charism is alive… the “need of the times…” continues to be real… our commitment is: to make Vicenta Maria’s “dream” come alive today…!
This Sunday’s liturgy of the Word gives us a guideline: overcome evil by force of good…! As our Father, who makes the sun shine on the good and the unjust….
And as we are about to begin Lent, Pope Francis, in his message, also guides us along the same path:
“The Lenten ascetical journey, like the synodal journey, has as its goal a personal and ecclesial transfiguration. A transformation that, in both cases, finds its model in that of Jesus and is realized through the grace of his paschal mystery. So that this transfiguration can be realized in us this year, I would like to propose two “paths” to follow in order to ascend together with Jesus and reach the goal with him.
The first refers to the imperative that God the Father addressed to the disciples on Tabor, as they contemplated Jesus transfigured. The voice that was heard from the cloud said, “Listen to him” (Mt 17:5). Therefore, the first indication is very clear: listen to Jesus. Lent is a time of grace to the extent that we listen to the One who speaks to us. And how does it speak to us? First of all, in the Word of God, which the Church offers us in the liturgy. Let’s not let it fall on deaf ears. If we cannot always participate in Mass, let us meditate on the daily biblical readings, even with the help of the internet. In addition to speaking to us in the Scriptures, the Lord speaks to us through our brothers and sisters, especially in the faces and stories of those who need help. But I would also like to add another aspect that is very important in the synodal process: listening to Christ also involves listening to our brothers and sisters in the Church; this reciprocal listening, which in some phases is the main objective, and which, in any case, is always indispensable in the method and style of a synodal Church”.
These messages confirm the echoes of what we have experienced in the Assemblies of January, both the IV World Assembly of the members of MOLAVIM, and our VIII General Assembly…
Cheer up Sisters! The Lord continues to call us to “be” with Him and “send” us to announce the joy of the Gospel, LOVE, to the world!
María and Vicenta María join us… Let’s go!
A big hug, together with all the sisters of the Curia and the team of sisters who collaborated in the making of the film, all my gratitude.
M. Daría Fernández RMI
Superior General