Our juniorate days at Betania are coming to an end. During these days we have become aware of the importance of the charism we have received, how we must take care of it, protect it and work to launch it into the future. It has been very exciting to feel how we have received an inheritance, how we are called and summoned and how all together we are part of a chain in which each link is important and essential. Receiving this inheritance has its consequences; from it comes the commitment to bring the Gospel to so many young people in different contexts, a commitment that demands creativity in the forms of evangelization, firm belief in the message we proclaim, coherence and passion for the Kingdom. From August 11 to 20, we were able to make the Spiritual Exercises directed by Fr. These were days of meeting and deep prayer to open our ears and hearts to the Lord’s will and to confirm all that we had worked on. It is time to return to our daily Betanias, full of dreams, illusions and hopes that drive us to bring to others all that we have received during these days. We thank you for your support and prayers.