Juniorate on the way

Juniorate on the way

Paris, 2019

Sisters Puri Cañadilla and Catherine Ouattara (from the Paris community), Carmen Arenaz and Marisa Lo Castro (from the London community, Struan), Mariana Botez and Inés Gamboa (from the Rome community, Palestro) are in Paris for a formation meeting from February 22 to March 2.

During our first days, accompanied by Father Adolfo Dominguez SJ, we followed in the footsteps of St. Ignatius, visiting the places he visited during his time in Paris. More significantly, it was the College of Santa Barbara and the Sorbonne where he studied. Another special place was the crypt of the Martyrium, located in Montmartre, where he made his first vows with his friends and companions who would later form with him the company of Jesus.

In addition, we were able to visit Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, and the Saint Chapelle.

These moments of formation on foot have been interspersed with others of formative dialogue, where we have been able to deepen our consecrated life and the role that formation has for the mission.

On the 26th, 27th and 28th, we made our renewal triduum together with the Paris community and some sisters from Reims. The father who accompanied us was Salvador Ramirez SJ, who introduced us to the inner knowledge of Jesus.

We ended our meeting with another moment of formation, taking in all that we had experienced during these days. And with a prayer of sending, where we are invited to be witnesses of so much good received; always with our eyes fixed on Jesus.

We thank the Congregation for this experience, especially the sisters of our communities who have allowed us to live this time of encounter and formation.

Marisa Lo Castro and Inés Gamboa