Junior RMI 2020 in Europe

Under the slogan “Something small can change the world” and accompanied by Sr. Carmen Arenaz and Sr. Elisabete Mendonça we have lived our European Juniorate from London, Porto, Rome, Barcelona and Cascante: Sr. Marisa Lo Castro, Sr. María Urmeneta, Sr. Ana Rosa Delgado, Sr. Mercedes Acha, Sr. Milagros Vidal, Sr. Sofia Santos and Sr. Beatriz Melo, connecting our stories, feelings and emotions through the computer window. We began the adventure on July 30 and listened to the sacred story of each sister’s testimony, how she had faced her year, her joys, pains and amazement at the pandemic situation.

We shared the experience that everything is interconnected, intertwined and we questioned whether we can transform our reality according to our listening and that of others, which connects to hope and what makes true change possible. We have felt snippets of our congregational origins and how the Spirit of the Lord is coming through with care and creativity. We looked out the window of discernment and delved into our being women CONNECTED WITH LIFE and opened ourselves to this different encounter, which also made possible group work, cinema and recreation. We hope and wish that next summer we can physically celebrate together.