Dearest Mother Daria:
Celebrating your day is a special occasion to thank God for the gift of your life and what you represent today for our Congregation. We also thank you for your closeness, joy, listening and charity. Thank you for your words, your constant communication in this difficult time we are living in, motivating us to be rooted in our faith and looking with hope to the future, as Monsignor Romero wrote:
“We water the seeds that have already been planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay the foundation that will need further development. We provide the leaven that produces effects beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, and realizing that, we feel liberated. That allows us to do something and to do it very well. It will be incomplete but it is a beginning, a step along the way, and an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to appear and do the rest. We may never see the end results. But therein lies the difference between the master builder and the mason. We are masons, not master builders, ministers, but not Messiahs. We are the prophets of a future that is not our own.”
On this day we ask the Lord especially for you, the gifts of fraternal charity, fortitude, inner peace and prophecy. Congratulations once again.
With love, from halfway around the world, your sisters of the Quito community:
Gladys Barrionuevo, Marina Ccorimanya, Leslie Pereyra.