EE Youth, Struan House, London. WE PRAY

We ask for prayers.

Dear Sisters, we would like to ask you to pray for a group of eight young women who will be making their Spiritual Exercises at Struan House on July 24-27, 2020.

The group is made up of young people from both Houses, with four young people coming from Southwell Gardens.

The words of Saint Vicenta Maria in her letter to her father on May 28, 1868 are a good reflection of how this “batch” of Exercises was forged, which given the circumstances we had not planned and instead… let us listen to our beloved Saint:

“Anyone would be frightened by such a project, and no wonder, if they had human means, but God can only do this kind of thing, using perhaps the most useless instruments, in order to show off his power. Thus I see how he is bringing things about, for without knowing how, I have come to live under the same roof of my poor girls, which was all my desire”.

Obviously, the context in which the Saint writes is that of expressing to her father her desire to “initiate/follow” her vocation after the 1868 EYFS.

I do believe, however, that these Exercises are especially “God’s thing” ….. And that it has been He who has been bringing things so that today we are on the eve of initiating them with eight young people.

The idea was born with Sr. Ruby Sampang, who has been in London since March “trapped” by confinement. The first plan was that she would accompany one young woman in the experience, however, the Lord has helped us to elaborate in the present reality, and in the current context and circumstances, to expand the call, so that seven more young women join the experience.

We are very happy to be able to offer our young women this experience of a personal encounter with the God of their lives. We count on your prayers.

Antonia Reyes, rmi

Struan House, 22 /07/2020