Today, June 16, Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, M Daria Fernandez, Sup. General, in the Casa Curia, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, he said:
Although unworthy to appear in your adorable presence, I come today, a day consecrated by the Church our Mother to the remembrance of your goodness and the worship of your Most Sacred Heart, to repeat an oblation that I would like to be pleasing to you. I consecrate and offer with all the effusion of my soul this humble Congregation, and each one of those who compose it, with myself, to your loving Heart, hoping that, from today, you will look upon us as your own thing and possession. I promise you, in the name of all of us, that we will propagate your worship and your glory, so that we will be more worthy to be called your servants and also to receive your favors and graces…..
So be it…