Congratulations M Daria, Brazil

Ao sonhar uma obra nova, o Criador tomou entre as mãos primeiramente o ” *D* “, de *Dignidade de filha de Deus* …
Immediately, he took the ” *A* “, with which he completed this work of *Love* . Considering the movements that the path of sanctification would imply to this Her predilection, she took the ” *R* “, to remind the *Responsibility* of her steps. She then hit the ” *I* ” to remind us that it is in the *Church* where this daughter of hers offers the fruits of her consecration. Finally, again she made use of an ” *A* “, of *apoio en Sua Fidelidade,* which accompanies her every day. So did the breeder ” *DARIA* “, whom today, in this technological façade, we congratulate for his day!
Concha Peregrina, Monica Banda, Luz, Stella, Cecília, Fabiana Ma e Marta (Molavim)