Educate to give life
I have just returned from #magister, “educate to give life”, the congress that this year’s
year has been organized by Escuelas Católicas. As always, the congress gives me the
the opportunity to share a different kind of time with colleagues from the
school and other RMI schools, to meet with people from whom I have been able to
I learn from following them on social networks and from greeting people I know and love.
I want to without ever having seen them. This year it has happened to me with Pedro Huerta, a
trinitarian who, occupies his life in “freeing the captive” from inculturation, from the
individualization and of the dormant faith of our society, as he says in his
website, “freeing himself as well”.
But as always the challenge of the return is how to be able to make mine.
aspects worked on at the congress and to bring them into the school’s day-to-day life and
of life, since it is fundamental in the magister of today, the coherence and
alignment with where you are and what you do. It is very complicated
to maintain being one thing in the institution and another thing outside without being “noticed”.
In addition to this personal coherence that I must continue to strive to work on, I must also
I have brought up the importance of continuing to change the way we look at our students. A
change of outlook that has to be born of perceiving, thinking and feeling, a process that
The student should be accompanied in listening to events as a way to
educational element. An accompaniment in which the silence (several of the
The speakers mentioned it) is necessary, in which the artistic and the creative have
to have an important weight to be able to continue working on a project basis, without
forget that each person we have in the classroom is a project in itself.
I also bring another look at leadership in the centers, a team leadership.
from hierarchy to redarchy, where the
EducationACTION, ParticipationACTION, PrayerACTION, MotivationACTION, EmpowermentACTION…
without forgetting the importance that each person has to be a leader of
ourselves. This is in order to move towards a global competition that
branding, the best tool for marketing your company’s products and services.
proximity that breaks down the walls between school and society. A school
which is to be “ecosocial” where the commitment to collaborate with the
transformation of the world will be real and with concrete actions.
In the words of Pedro Huerta, all of this in order to provide students with the foundations
(not vital scaffolding) to walk in life. A foundation that, in
our case as Catholic Schools, are in the Gospel, in the Jesus of the Gospel.
life that from perceiving, thinking and feeling gave and gives life, because He is the one who is
real #magister.

Jesús Barrientos Professor CFP Pamplona