Our M. General, Daría Fernández, wrote these days a communication to the whole Congregation, in which she told us…

This moment “…implies looking for other ways of management or a greater effort for the sisters. It is time for ALL of us to collaborate, doing our part. In the first place, being faithful to the guidelines provided by those responsible for health, it is not a personal evil, but a community evil that affects all humanity and as consecrated women, consistent with our preventive charism, we must give witness of obedience and charity towards our neighbor. There is a lot of pain behind this pandemic, let us be aware and in solidarity to stop its spread, as I say, putting into practice all the means and avoiding all possible displacements.

These realities that are experienced show to what extent our faith guides and gives meaning to our daily life, the ability to trust in the Lord, who does not abandon us, even though sometimes it is difficult to perceive it…. God is in the midst of all this, sustaining health care workers, or the sick, as many of us can call upon him to help us keep hope alive, as St. Paul tells us: “God works in all things for the good of those who love him” (Rom. 8:28).

May we all discover this and turn our eyes to the God who saves us! It is difficult to understand when we perceive so much pain around us… The serenity and peace to accept the restrictions that arise is already a proof of the presence of the Lord in our midst. We trust that it will soon be overcome and that it will help us to discover how good it is to unite to overcome great causes and, not least, the ordinary causes of everyday life. We remain united in the certainty that God does not abandon us and with his help and our efforts, we will be able to overcome this moment in which we are living. With a big and fraternal embrace”.