… and in Via Cassia I stayed…

Dear Sisters:

I have been wanting to communicate for days.

I came to Rome on February 28, to attend a training launched by the General Government of the General Government of the Society of St. Teresa, facing the “Institutional Communication” and here I stayed, living the quarantine in Italy … the first days when I left home to attend the training (even without being in a State of Alarm) I perceived the fear of the people, as the protective measures were increasing … until finally I stayed to live with the Teresian Sisters…. until finally I stayed to live with the Teresian Sisters to finish the formation… they suspended my return flight and I do not deny that at some point I was afraid, I thank God because the Teresian Sisters made me feel at home and our sisters of the Curia facilitate and soften my time here.

While I was there, the State of Alarm began in Spain and from here, how difficult it was to communicate with the young women, to make them understand the seriousness… plus the news that our sisters, relatives and friends were being infected… wanting to be present, wanting them to feel close to you, to feel with the Province the sadness from afar… and wishing that the whole Congregation would take charge of the seriousness and take the appropriate and drastic measures was my greatest wish.

On returning to the Community of Via Cassia where I have been for three weeks now… I am thankful that all are well and take care of each other… I feel this “place” as the heart of the Congregation and seeing us and feeling us suffer together… reminds me that “we are connected”.

Yesterday, today, we begin this time of Resurrection with a certain taste or smell of Good Friday… perhaps Holy Saturday. My community shared with me the prayer that they prayed to accompany Mary and they invited me to imagine Our Mother in the hospitals, in the houses, in the empty streets to visit every corner… every house and that is what I still remember today….

Many of you know that my brother is an Intensive Care Physician, every night when he calls me to unburden himself…. I thank him for his work… but there is not a day that goes by that he does not insist on telling me to tell you: Take care of yourselves, go ahead those of you who do not yet have cases in your countries or cities, protect yourselves and take all the measures even if they seem drastic or dramatic… Because this ¨bug for now have no control… and I make it to you, knowing that many of you already do it and trusting that the others will do it.

A big hug and we continue with interest and concern, receiving your communications to know how you are in every corner of our World.

Sr. Belén Igeño. RMI